STC Principles & Practices

We apply the following principles and practices in implementing our sustainable feedstock sourcing:

Prioritize non food grade waste feedstock

Maximize the collection and utilization of waste materials with positive impacts on smallholders, small and medium enterprises, and local communities

Optimize the use of existing facilities and established production bases in order to avoid destructive palm industry expansion in forested areas and peatlands

Select strategic locations to collect feedstocks and develop infrastructure

Install proven technologies that are cost-effective and can use multiple feedstocks

Create viable financial incentives for feedstock production and support for biofuel utilization at household, rural industry, power generation, and vehicle fuel distribution levels

Our Team

Our Board of Directors and Advisors

Thomas B. Fricke Principal

Thomas B. Fricke


Thomas Fricke is the Managing Director and Co-Founder of Sustainable Trade and Consulting (STC) Pte Ltd. Before joining STC, he served as a partner of a feedstock development and trading venture, Biofuel Merchants LLC, and as CEO of ForesTrade Inc, a pioneering company specializing in the direct sourcing, production, and supply of certified organic, Fair Trade, and sustainably harvested spices, coffee, and essential oils. ForesTrade received the prestigious World Business Summit Award for Sustainable Business Partnerships in 2002 at the Johannesburg World Summit and the Sustainability Award from the Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA) in 2005. Thomas has dedicated more than 30 years to working with small farmers, indigenous organizations, local and multinational businesses, governments, NGOs, and foundations around the world. Thomas speaks English, German, Spanish, Indonesian, and Balinese, and holds an interdisciplinary BA in Art, Architecture, and Engineering from Stanford University and an MSc. in Agroecology from Antioch University West.

Sylvia Blanchet Co-Founder STC Resources

Sylvia Blanchet


Sylvia Blanchet is a Co-Founder and Board member of Sustainable Trade and Consulting (STC) Pte Ltd, and an Advisory Board member of PT. STC Indonesia, the Indonesian subsidiary of STC Ltd. She brings her expertise in administration, finance, training and supply chain management to STC. She is also a Board member of the Bankoff Blanchet Foundation. Before joining STC, she co-founded ForesTrade Inc., a wholesale organic spice and essential oil and Fair Trade coffee company that links over 6,000 small farmers with the international organic and Fair Trade marketplace. She was a senior executive in the company for 14 years. She has been a public speaker on sustainable business topics for groups such as the World Trade Organization (WTO), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the US Organic Trade Association. She has a BA in History from Bryn Mawr College, an MA in Organizational Management from Antioch University East and is a graduate of the Brennan School of Healing.

Shane McCarthy Project Manager of Papua projects

Shane McCarthy

Project Manager of Papua projects

Shane McCarthy is active in the UKCCU and USAID cacao and community forestry projects in Papua Indonesia.Shane has nearly 25 years of international development experience in numerous countries. He has performed the full gamut of roles from establishing local grass roots organizations to the management of complex international donor funded NGO programs with portfolios of over $10 million, dozens of staff, and thousands of beneficiaries. His employers have ranged from such organizations as USAID, the National Cooperative Business Association and large farmer cooperatives in East Timor and Nicaragua. He has extensive experience working with all aspects of international agriculture and NRM, including cooperative business models, artisanal and industrial scale processing, local and international marketing as well as significant experience with monitoring, evaluation and reporting systems for international donors, NGOs, and certification schemes (Rainforest Alliance /FSC, Organic, Fair trade, and Starbucks Café Practices). Shane has a Master’s degree in International Forestry/NRM, with an emphasis on sustainable land use and is fluent in English, Spanish and Bahasa Indonesia.

Richard Wendt Senior Associate

Richard Wendt

Senior Associate

Richard Wendt serves as the Chair of the Board of Commissioners of PT. STC Indonesia, STC’s Indonesian subsidiary. He has over 25 years of experience as a sustainable development specialist, technical expert, and entrepreneur. Richard has broad expertise in organic farming, agroforestry, Permaculture, value-added processing industries, and environmentally appropriate waste-water treatment systems. He has specific expertise with all aspects of propagation, production, processing, and marketing of multi-purpose tree crops such as neem. In 1989, Richard founded and continues to serve as managing director and chief product developer for Bali Asli, a natural products manufacturing and marketing company based in Pupuan, Bali, Indonesia. Bali Asli produces a line of natural soap and household cleansers, pest control products, jams, nut butters, sauces and other foods. He has also assisted other wholesale and retail companies develop new product lines and business strategies. Richard has served as a technical advisor to sustainable development and disaster relief programs in Aceh, Central Java, Bali, and Lombok for NGOs such as Yayasan IDEP, Yayasan Mack, and the East Bali Poverty Project. Richard is fluent in English and Indonesian.

Paul Collett Senior Business Advisor

Paul Collett

Senior Business Advisor

Paul Collett is a strategic planning and partnerships leader in the philanthropic sector with a focus on education, smallholder value chains and renewable energy. From 2014-2017 Paul was STC’s Director of Consulting Services. He managed a portfolio of projects, advising, developing and seeking investment for renewable energy and smallholder agricultural businesses in Indonesia. He also engaged in establishing certified bio-mass and bio-fuel sourcing operations for renewable energy companies operating in Lombok, Sumatra and Kalimantan. Prior to working at STC-Indonesia, Paul worked in management consulting for both Bain and Co. as well as Dalberg Global Development Advisors in San Francisco, Addis Ababa, Mumbai and Jakarta where he built extensive experience in agriculture, renewable energy, financial services and technology sectors. He holds a BA from Pomona College majoring in International Relations with a minor in Economics as well as an M.Ed from the College of New Jersey.

Dr. Mustafril Senior Technical Advisor

Dr. Mustafril

Senior Technical Advisor

Dr. Mustafril is a freelance consultant who specializes in civil engineering, agricultural engineering and agricultural product technology. He taught at the Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Syiah Kuala University. He has worked in various institutions such as the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency for Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam - Nias (2006-2008) after the 2004 Tsunami Disaster. Since 2010, he has been the Chair of the Aceh Nutmeg Forum (FORPALA) and has collaborated with UNDP (2010-2012), USAID, IFACS (2013 -2016), and USAID LESTARI (2016-2018) in developing the Nutmeg Commodity in the South Aceh Regency. He is currently working on developing the nutmeg business of smallholder farmers at the Green Economics Growth Programme for Papua Provinces (GEGPP) and KOMPAK (a Australia-Indonesia Collaborated) as Local Economic Development (LED) Coordinator in Aceh (2019). In addition, consultants in various other fields such as spices business, essential oils business, community institutions development, solar electricity development, pico hydro electricity development, research of carbon emission reduction, soil and land conservation development, spatial planning consultant, and others. Language that is mastered by Indonesian, Minang and Aceh. Bachelor degree completed at the Department of Civil Engineering, Syiah Kuala University. The Masters and Doctor were completed at the Agricultural Engineering Science, Bogor Agricultural University.

Our Team



STC and its principals have been active pioneers and practitioners in various internationally-accredited certification schemes for over 25 years. STC has incorporated the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and traceability into the various companies and initiatives they have created and/or supported, including:

Group 16
Established the first certified organic spice and essential oil company in Indonesia with PT. ForesTrade Indonesia from 1995-2010. Over 10,000 individual smallholder producers and numerous collection points, warehouses, and processing facilities were certified with NASAA-Australia and Control Union. (link to Timeline event 1995)
Group 17
Pioneered the first Fair Trade coffee certification in Indonesia with the Fairtrade Labeling Organization (FLO) and the 3,500-member Persatuan Petani Kopi Gayo Organik (PPKGO) cooperative in Bener Meriah and Aceh Tengah, Aceh in 1997. (link to Timeline event 2004)
Group 18
Active participants in the development of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) with Biofuel Merchants LLC and Fauna and Flora International from 2006-2011. Supported the first sales of RSPO-certified Palm Kernel Oil (PKO) in 2010 to the United States and RSPO-certified palm kernel shells to British American Tobacco’s operations in Lombok, Indonesia in 2013.
Group 19
Served as senior consultants in 2010-2011 to Cargill International in developing RSPO standards for their smallholder supply chains in Malaysia and to Sime Darby Bhd. in conducting High Conservation Value Assessments (HCVA) for their Liberian operations.
Group 20
Set up a comprehensive Integrated Management System (IMS) for STC in 2015-2016 with extensive certification documentation and internal controls under the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) system and ASG International certification body. In 2019, they also established certification for STC under the National Italian Scheme (NIS).

Information on ISCC and NIS Certification

Jl Letda Tantular No. 1, Blok C No. 3
Dangin Puri Kelod, Kec. Denpasar Timur,
Denpasar, Bali, 80234