- Understand the overall terms and conditions of the ISCC certification system.
- Ensuring that products received / shipped meet ISCC certification requirements
- Ensuring that documents for products received / sent meet ISCC requirements
- Prepare mass balance reports
- Ensuring that companies can obtain / maintain ISCC certificates
- Communicate with the Certification Body in preparation for the annual audit
- Compile annual reports of products received / sent.
- Compile a list of suppliers and the number of supplies in 1 year
- Compile a list of customers and the number of purchases in 1 year
- Issue ISCC delivery notes
- Participate in local / international ISCC events
- Participate in meetings with suppliers for an explanation of product and document requirements
- Providing internal training on ISCC comprehension
- Conduct ISCC internal audit
Field Certification Officer in Compliance,
Sustainability and Certification Department
Field Certification Officer in Compliance, Sustainability and Certification Department
Job Description:
Uraian Tugas:
- Memehami secara keseluruhan syarat dan ketentuan ISCC
- Memastikan product yang diterima/dikirim memenuhi syarat sertifikasi ISCC
- Memastikan document atas product yang diterima/dikirim memenuhi syarat ISCC
- Menyusun laporan mass balance
- Memastikan perusahaan dapat memperoleh/ mempertahankan sertifkat ISCC
- Melakukan komunikasi dengan Certification Body untuk persiapan audit tahunan
- Menyusun laporan tahunan product diterima/dikirim.
- Meyusun daftar pemasok dan jumlah pasokan dalam 1 tahun
- Menyusun daftar customer dan jumlah pembelian dalam 1 tahun
- Menerbitkan ISCC delivery note
- Ikut serta dalam acara ISCC lokal/ International
- Ikut serta dalam pertemuan dengan pemasok untuk penjelasan syarat product dan document
- Memberi pelatihan internal tentang pemahan ISCC
- Melakukan ISCC internal audit